Sunday, May 31, 2009

From 12/30/07

Governing from a Cowards point of view.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about our moron in chief lately. The last six years have been terrible for our country. I think back on the day of the terrorist attacks in New York and one thing sticks out in my mind. Our glorious leader sitting in the classroom, petrified beyond belief with no concept of what was happening around him.
From this moment on because of his own fear he has bullied his way to show us how macho he is. His comments are always how "he is going to protect us"; and "his job is to protect the people of the United States". Wrong!
His job if he has any remembrance of the oath of office he took is to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America".
Of course, he has never read it because it is beyond his comprehension. He and his cronies have done everything they can do to terrify the citizens of this country. Because of him the "terrorists" have won. If our country had been allowed to pursue the criminals behind the attacks, we would have used the power and intelligence we have to bring them to justice.
What did Moron & co. do? they used the attacks to justify an attack on Iraq, a country that was a pain in the ass, but at the time no problem for the U.S. Now we have a major problem with Iraq and they are clueless on how to get out.
Not only are they clueless, the are setting the stage for our continued presence. Just listen to the Republican candidates for the presidency. They are all running for president of 9/11. They have seen how the fear card has worked for the moron, and they want to keep Americans scared of their shadows.
We do not need scare mongers; we need a leader who will give courage to our citizens to stand up to fear. Did Franklin Roosevelt develop a color code to tell how afraid Americans should be during their time of crisis? Hell no! He got on the radio and told Americans that the only thing they have to fear is fear itself.
Bush's attitude is that we need to run and hide so he can "take care of us" which means simply that he will turn everything over to the corporations.
Rudy is running for "mayor" of 9/11; and Huckabee is running for president of Jesusland. What a bunch of jokers. McCain wants to be the leader of the reactionary forces of the country. Mitt lives in fantasyland. Give me a break. Is this the best the GOP can come up with.
Where are we going as a country? Backwards????
(edited 12-31-07; I shouldn't write late at night :-) )

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